There are two categories of membership: full membership and associate membership. Full members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and policy and programme meetings.
Full membership is open to national and regional organisations of city farms that meet the following conditions:
- the organisation of city farms is constituted and has a membership and an elected Management Board;
- the organisation has city farms as members;
- the organisation membership is accepted by the majority of full members at an EFCF Annual General Meeting;
- the organisation pays the full membership annual subscription fee;
- the organisation must be non-profit making;
- the organisation agrees to abide by the constitution of the EFCF and cooperate in sharing experience with other city farms.
Associate membership is open to:
- an independent city farm or city farms working together to form an organisation of city farms in their country or region.
Current fees
Full membership | € 500 / annum |
Associate membership | € 400 / annum |
Associate starting membership, max. 5 years | € 100 / annum |
Full Members
Federatie van Kinder-,Jeugd- en Gezinsboerderijen |
Fédération Belge Francophone des Fermes d' Animation |
Bund der Jugendfarmen und Aktivspielplätze e.V. |
Vereniging Stads- en Kinderboerderijen Nederland |
4H Norway |
Riksförbundet Sveriges 4H Stora Malmsvägen 7 |
Social Farms & Gardens |
Associate members
Rete Educaterra |
Quinta Pedagógica dos Olivais |
St. Anne's City Farm |
Airfield Estate |
Association Française des Fermes d'Animation (AFFA) ![]() |